6 Years of Youtube – Online Ministry

I was in prayer this afternoon and the LORD began to show me how He has been faithful in fulfilling His Word concerning His calling on my life, the online ministry through Youtube and also where He is taking me… all along during this, in prayer, I hadn’t realised that I had started my first teaching video on Youtube today 21 June, exactly 6 years ago! So today I celebrate 6 years of online ministry on Youtube; sharing the heart of our LORD Jesus Christ!
I remember it all like it was yesterday. After my visitation from the LORD Jesus back in 2010, my life completely changed when He called me to be His messenger through the gift of exhortation and I began exhorting people through blog posts on WordPress & also posts on Facebook. This transcended to videos on KEEK but these only gave us 36 seconds, so it was short. The LORD began to lead me to start doing longer teaching videos on Youtube. When felt I was ready the LORD actually told me to wait a little longer and I waited, then finally I was given a go ahead and below is my first Youtube teaching looking at Lazarus:

I taught on and off because of university and after 2 years I then went on to share my natural hair journey as led by the LORD not knowing that my video would go viral and invite many people to subscribe to my channel in a short amount of time. The video was somewhat controversial because I believe many of the viewers may not have known that God cared about their hair in as much as He does every aspect of their lives. However, this led many to subscribe to my channel as well as learn about natural hair. Ironically, some months prior to me sharing this video, God had showed me in a dream how my hair suddenly drew many gazes towards me but at the time I could not interpret the dream nor did I understand that it was referring to a video going viral. Glory be God for His ways which are higher than ours! See this hair video below:

After this I continued doing teaching videos which now included hair videos as well but in the beginning of 2017 (last year) the LORD was now leading me in a different direction with this channel, to let go of the hair videos and be more gospel focused. You see, in life there is a season for everything and we have to be willing to move where God wants us to move. I had to make the decision but it took me many months to finally obey because it was hard. I eventually decided to do what the LORD was leading me to do which I shared in this video below:

It’s after this that I began to take Youtube more seriously and finally accept that it is a ministry just as God had confirmed this through another servant. Here we are in 2018, 6 years later! When I look back I rejoice at where God has brought this channel, to see His power at work in people’s lives from different countries and parts of the world is humbling; to God alone be the glory! The Spirit of God is at work more than ever, helping me to exhort the people of God on this platform through prayer and bible studies before He releases me to pulpits and churches. He has been training me now for 11 years for ministry for the “end time” harvest and this online ministry has truly taught me many things about depending on the HolySpirit. For example, I’ve had to learn to depend on Him to teach His people as He leads me; to not make notes prior to these videos. All I have are bible verses to preach on. He also has taught me to rely on Him for what to share and sometimes I don’t get a sermon or prayer till the day of recording. Depending so much on God was scary especially in the beginning when I began to be serious about Youtube but that’s what being a messenger is all about, it’s about being His surrendered mouthpiece. This online ministry is only a small part of what God is doing in these last days in my life, as well as many others who are called and I look forward to seeing the great move of God breaking forth in these last days. Today as I celebrate 6 years of online ministry I want to encourage you to go with Jesus wherever He is taking you, no matter how quiet, dark and hidden it looks, being at the centre of His will is so peaceful & fulfilling; there’s great joy in working for JESUS!
Remember to subscribe HERE to my channel! On Mondays there’s prayer and on Wednesdays there’s bible studies, be sure to tune in and experience the power of God at work through Prayer and the Word.
God bless you.

In His Service

Get Dephne’s Latest Book

The Art of Being Private (building in silence) 

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5 comments on “6 Years of Youtube – Online Ministry

Thank you for this post! It’s been hard staying faithful to writing my blog but this post is just a reminder that he makes everything beautiful in it’s time. This was so encouraging. The power of faithfulness with “the small” and obedience to God is so far-reaching. Thank you and God bless you!

Good day Daphne

you are such an inspiration! last year round about this time i felt the Holy Spirit lead me to start posting videos on FB and YouTube. I have not been very obedient although I started posting a few videos but not consistently.

I am now feeling a greater urge from the Holy spirit to continue with the Videos, He had already provided me with a videographer, the message to share but I still feel unprepared.

Some of the challenges I am going thorough are: the way to construct the messages, how often to post the videos.

I would like to start seriously end of August, but I am afraid I may not be consistent because I have a 3 months baby.

I just need to know what to do, I also want to fast but since i am nursing this may be challenging as well.

So having said that, what were your challenges starting off? congratulations on your 6 months journey.

I would love you to watch a few videos of mine and give me a few pointers if you will,

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLyHZFdrMBo

I will really appreciate it.


May God continue to bless you with many more years for His service. Thankyou for your faithfulness and great content, God Bless.

wow, you always inspire me with your videos, may God enlarge your territory

Ahh! God is so gracious and kind. I’m grateful for your ministry and obedience to the Lord. You’re blessed.

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